
Hi, I'm a software engineer recently graduated from MIT (course 6-3) and currently working at HubSpot in Cambridge.

I am a Moscow-born, Miami-raised developer. I enjoy all things backend, but am currently dipping my toes into the management pool in my role as technical lead of the Search team. When not tinkering with web apps and Elasticsearch settings, I enjoy skiing, sailing, and attempting to grow a small forest in my living room.

I'm currently working at HubSpot, a marketing software company (think- everything you need to get the word out about your product via the internet) and I love it! I'm open to chatting about job opportunities (in our very own beer garden) if you'd like to love your job too. Contact me!



Massachusetts Institute of Technology '16
B.S. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
GPA: 4.9/5.0

Miami Palmetto Senior High '12
Graduated Summa Cum Laude
GPA: 4.0/4.0

Work Experience

Technical Lead
February 2016 - present
Currently working on the Search team to search across everything in HubSpot, from contacts to content to navigation items. Working to optimize Elasticsearch indexing and querying, as well as pre and post processing, and using machine learning to best understand customer queries and display results in a meaningfully ranked order.

Worked on the Website team, helping customers create and manage their online content. Created an indexing tool to find relationships between resources, created a full-text search tool with Elasticsearch, worked on the website staging tool, and on the template marketplace.

Worked on integrating AdWords into the HubSpot Ads platform, creating features all the way through the stack- both backend Java and frontend JavaScript/React.js. Tested and measured the impact of new features, adjusting as necessary after customer feedback and analytics. Refactored the codebase to make it more modular and clean.

Software Engineering Intern
June 2015 - August 2015
Created new project with Java API and test suite for managing workflow templates. Created service for cloning campaigns and all of their assets.

The Genesis Group
Software Engineer
September 2014 - May 2015
Worked on an Artificial Intelligence story comprehension and analysis program to develop a system that predicts future events in a story based on commonsense rules, past events,character traits and habits, and similar situations.

Android Engineering Intern
June 2014 - August 2014
Refactored flow of Angie's List Android app, added new functionality, worked on views and model logic, created test suite.

MIT App Inventor
Software Engineer
February 2014 - June 2014
Fixed bugs in the backend arising from switching from one generation of the product to the next, optimized amount of transactions calls made to the database, added new features to product.

Software Engineering Extern
January 2014
Created a webapp with Django from a database with web-scraped information on Ubuntu hardware certification to aid in identifying which computer systems will support the product.

MIT Media Lab
Web Developer
September 2013 - January 2014
Worked in Ruby on Rails to improve existing website infrastructure. Converting uploaded videos and audio to standardized formats and creating a background queue to process these requests.

Frontend Engineering Intern
June 2013 - August 2013
Worked on implementing management console UI to control permissions of clients connecting to Cloud Storage using GXT/GWT. Worked in a team with other interns and full-time developers.

Hadley D. Sikes Lab
Undergraduate Researcher
February 2013 - May 2013
Optimized protocols for engineering P450-BM3 enzymes to produce controlled ROS inside mammalian cells as a tool to study these chemical molecules' effects on cancer biology.

University of Miami Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Lab Intern
June 2011 - September 2011
Acquired experience as a lab assistant in a biochemistry environment. Performed experiments in proteomics and enzyme activity; conducted gel electrophoresis.

American Taekwondo Association
Assistant Instructor
August 2010 - August 2011
First Degree Black Belt, participated in Taekwondo for four years. Volunteered and worked as assistant instructor; instructed children in Taekwondo curriculum, integrating fitness, sparring, and forms into structured classes.


  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • React.js
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kafka
  • MySQL
  • Hadoop
  • Node.js
  • Android
  • Linux
  • Relevant Classes

  • 6.814 Database Systems
  • 6.829 Computer Networks
  • 6.033 Computer Systems Engineering
  • 6.170 Software Studio
  • 6.034 Artificial Intelligence
  • 6.046 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms
  • 6.005 Software Construction
  • 6.004 Computational Structures
  • 21w.789 Communicating with Mobile Technology
  • 6.042 Discrete Math for Computer Science
  • Extracurriculars

  • HubSpot Lean-In
  • MIT Sport Taekwondo
  • Snowboarding
  • Sailing
  • HubSpot Push-Up Club
  • MIT Ski Team
  • MIT 6.005 Lab Assistant
  • Sailing
  • Awards

  • Grand Master Emeritus Soon Ho Lee Scholarship
  • National Merit Finalist
  • National AP Scholar
  • Projects


    AmazeJobs keeps track of users’ job applications: their progress, deadlines, and tasks associated with each application. It strives to alleviate the users’ burden of remembering all the jobs they applied to, which of them responded, and tasks with deadlines that must not be forgotten.

    Created with Node.js, Mongoose, Google Oauth, Handlebars, and EJS.

    Github Site


    RooMIT automates the process of finding the most compatible people to room with at MIT. It provides roommate suggestions to students according to their living preferences and handles the request and approval process.

    Created with Node.js, Mongoose, Handlebars, and EJS.

    Github Site


    A web app for creating collaborative scrapbook-like spaces that contain any and all types of content and allows for custom content arrangement. Arose out of Originate's intern independent project program.

    Made with Node.js, Coffeescript,, Sequelize, and Jade.

    Github Site

    What Song Is It Anyway?

    This Android app plays snippets of songs from the user's music library on their phone and challenges the user to correctly guess as many song titles as possible in a certain amount of time. Adjustable settings make it easy for users to go at their own pace. Fuzzy matching aids with garbled song titles.

    In a team of four, we started out creating this project for our Android class (21w.789), but went on to continue development and start public releases after the class ended. Made with Java and MySQL.

    Github Play Store

    Collaborative Whiteboard

    Allows multiple clients to connect and share a whiteboard, drawing on it concurrently. Allows creation of multiple whiteboards and exporting the final image either to disk or Facebook. Made with Java, using Swing.


    ABC Music Player

    Parses in well-formed ABC format music files, converts them to Java Objects (ADTs), and plays them as MIDIs. Any lyrics will be displayed alongside the notes. Made with Java.
